Walk To Good Governance WtGG press conference/Get to work document Launching

The event held on Friday 26th April,2024, had in attendance the state excos,34 ambassadors(2 each from the 17 LGAs in the state),and members of the press.

The Walk To Good Governance project (#WtGG) is a youth-led initiative aimed at facilitating transparency, accountability, and good governance in Abia State and Nigeria.
With a focus on engaging the Governor,State and federal legislators and government appointees,the project incorporates strategic elements such as youth ambassadors training,media engagements,budget assessment and performance monitoring,policy recommendations and advocacy for good governance.

To empower and nurture the next generation of leaders; raising unconventional youths who are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and passion to transform good thoughts into democratic actions.

We envision Nigeria, a society where youths’ voices and actions champion positive democratic change; one that thrives on unity,love, integrity, and equal representation.

OUR VALUES are centred on inclusion, fairness, equal representation, character, transparency, creativity, patriotism,unity and Love. “

In the groundbreaking event, ambassadors were inducted and empowered to execute the #WTGG project with perfection!.

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