In a groundbreaking endeavor, the Progressive Abia Youths (PAY) is partnering with Nigeria Youth Futures Fund (NYFF) and Leadership Effectiveness, Accountability and Professionalism (LEAP) Africa for a youth-led intervention tagged ‘Walk to Good Governance (#WtGG) in Abia State, Nigeria.

The ‘Walk to Good Governance (#WtGG)’ project is a youth-led initiative designed to institutionalize good governance practices in public leadership in Abia State. Building on the youth convention held in January 2024, this project has seen the training and capacity-building of 34 youth ambassadors across the 17 LGAs of the state who are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to become effective youth leaders and advocates of good governance within their respective wards and local government areas (LGAs).

Speaking to the press, the President of Progressive Abia Youths, Mr. Daberechi Kingsley Ekejiuba said that “the WtGG is synonymous with Nelson Mandela’s long walk to freedom because of the revolutionary objective behind its formulation. Beyond the impact that #WtGG is making on the youth community, the level of public engagement achieved in the last 6 months has been mind-blowing. We are most grateful to NYFF and LEAP Africa for being worthy partners in this vision that is changing the dynamics of governance in Abia State and Nigeria.”

As the #WtGG project continues to impact the leadership trajectory in Abia State, PAY believes that it is the duty of this generation to engender good governance practices in Abia state, Nigeria and Africa.

The group has vowed to continue to engage the youths, lead media interactions to promote good governance, conduct thorough assessments of the state budget performance reports, establish a robust performance monitoring system to track the implementation of projects, ensuring funds are allocated effectively and transparently, engage in evidence-based research to identify gaps and areas for improvement in existing policies, formulate and present policy recommendations to the government, advocating for reforms that enhance accountability and good governance, encourage civic participation, and empower the youth to actively participate in shaping policies and holding elected officials accountable.

#WtGG Expected Outcomes:

i. Increased awareness and understanding of governance issues among the youth

ii. Enhanced media coverage leading to a broader public discourse on accountability and good governance.

iii. Improved budgetary transparency and effective allocation of resources

iv. Submission of evidence-based policy recommendations to relevant authorities.

v. Empowered youth actively participating in the democratic process and advocating for positive change.

The “Walk to Good Governance (#WTGG)” project strives to create a collaborative and informed youth community that actively contributes to the betterment of Abia State, institutionalizing a culture of accountability and transparency in governance.

It is a timely call promoting young people’s yearning for the Abia State and Nigeria We Want.

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